How To Be Discreet When Breastfeeding in Public
I thought this Luv’s commercial was kinda cute. I can so relate to the “first kid” and “second kid” breastfeeding experience. With my first kid, I would feed in the car or pump out my milk into a...
View ArticleShould You Train Baby To Sleep Or Not?
Baby’s sleep is a big issue with many parents. The big question of whether or not to sleep train a baby plays on many parent’s minds. Well, you’ll be glad to know from the video below that either way...
View ArticleSnuza Halo vs Hero
When shopping for Snuza baby monitors, some of you may have noticed that there is a Snuza Halo and Snuza Hero. They look exactly the same and you may be wondering, “what’s the difference?” Here is your...
View ArticleMake Meal Times Easier With These Baby Feeding Tips
When your baby starts to take in solid food, it is best that you have your baby at the dining table when the whole family is eating together. Some parents (or grandparents) prefer to feed the baby...
View ArticleHow To Make A Baby Fall Asleep
The only time a mother gets any rest or time to do what she wants, is when the baby is asleep. The problem is, some babies just don’t like to sleep much, or baby is not sleeping when it is nap time or...
View ArticleMoms Share Their Breastfeeding Tips
Even though breastfeeding is suppose to be the most natural thing to do for a mother, the journey is not always easy. Some of us have it easier than others. If you’re breastfeeding for the first time,...
View ArticleNew Moms Survival Kit
When I had my 4 babies, my friends shared their joy with me by sending me baby gifts. That is the usual response… to give a gift for the baby. I think only once I received a gift for ME (stretchmark...
View ArticleSafe Sleeping Tips To Reduce The Risk of SIDS
Let us all be more aware of the dangers that could befall our little ones. Too many parents have lost their precious baby to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and also to suffocation. These are...
View ArticleResearch Supports Babywearing
When I had my first baby, the nurse at the hospital told my husband and me: “Don’t carry the baby too much or you’ll spoil her” Well, guess what? I didn’t listen to her. However, that kind of thinking...
View ArticleMothers Are Awesome and Deserve The Highest Honor
When you haven’t had enough sleep because the baby kept you up all night, when you find yourself still in pyjamas at noon, haven’t had a chance to shower or enjoy a decent meal, when you give of...
View ArticleWays To Introduce Your Breastfed Baby To A Bottle
Breastfed babies generally don’t like to drink from bottles. However, there may be reasons why you would need to give baby a bottle. If that is the case, here are some ways to introduce your breastfed...
View ArticleBaby Monitor Saves Toddler From Choking
You may think that baby monitor is not necessary. But this news highlights the close call that the mother had if she did not have the baby monitor in the first place. Rebecca Fitzgerald, a mother from...
View Article10 Energy Burning Toys For Toddlers (Keep Them Active Indoors)
Is it challenging to deal with active toddlers who are stuck inside? If they have nothing to do, I bet they’re going to find something! Below are the best toys to help your kids burn off some of their...
View ArticleBest Portable Baby Swing That Plugs In
Portable baby swings are smaller, lighter, and have fewer functions than the regular ones. Though most of them are not foldable, it’s small and light enough to move around the house. Also, it’s...
View ArticleSome Baby Sleep Lies Finally Exposed
Are you deprived of proper sleep when you have a newborn? Rest is almost impossible with every morning waking up feeling jaded & unhinged. You may think your approaches to baby sleep is wrong....
View ArticleTop 3 Outdoor Baby Swings On Stand – Enjoy Time Outside
An outdoor baby swing often found at children playgrounds. If you’re planning to get one for your garden or porch, most of them don’t come with stands. You’ve to look for a sturdy tree branch to hang...
View ArticleFathers-To-Be Who Smoke Damage Newborns’ Hearts
Not only pregnant women should not smoke but fathers as well. A recent study shows that fathers-to-be who smoke may increase the risk of congenital heart defects in their offspring. In other words,...
View ArticleHow To Pee With A Baby
Have you tried peeing in a public toilet while holding a wriggly baby? I bet it’s not a pleasant experience. Imagine seeing yourself doing your business like this! This is definitely a godsend device!...
View ArticleBaby Proofing Kitchen Checklist – Keep Your Tiny Crawler Safe
Does your family spend a lot of time in the kitchen? I bet you do! Often, your kids will be there. But the kitchen also holds potential hazards for your babies from sharp objects to chemicals and...
View ArticleHow To Make Carrot Baby Food – Yummy, Wholesome & Cheap First Solid For Babies
Are your little ones starting to wean? As a new mom, you’re pretty excited to start your kids on solid foods. Benefits Of Carrot For Babies Carrot puree is an excellent food starter for babies. Not...
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